All models are computed at the same time, correct result should be selected based on which markers are available and suitable for the adequate APM.

Reference data and models

Correia Dias H, Manco L, Corte Real F, Cunha, E. A Blood-Bone-Tooth Model for Age Prediction in Forensic Contexts. Biology 2021; 10, 1312.

Correia Dias H, Cordeiro C, Pereira J, Pinto C, Corte Real F, Cunha E, Manco L. DNA methylation age estimation in blood samples of living and deceased individuals using a multiplex SNaPshot assay. Forensic Sci. Int. 2020a, 311, 110267, 1-7.

Correia Dias H, Corte Real F, Cunha E, Manco L. DNA methylation age estimation from human bone and teeth. Aust. J. Forensic Sci. 2020b.